Weight Loss Journey

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Guess whos TWO,2,TO,TOOOOOO

Let me just start off by saying super sorry, no not really about all the cuteness overload your about to receive! If you don't like adorable blonde hair blue eyed little guys just go ahead and click away now, otherwise control your self ladies he is a handsome little fella!!!

When we got pregnant with our last child it was a total surprise. It took us a while to conceive Kaitlynn, so we just assumed the same would be with Gavin so we never prevented getting pregnant after we had Kaity. The spring/summer before we found out we were expecting I had been on weight watchers for about 6-8 months and had lost 40-45 pounds. I actually am pretty sure I got pregnant the weekend after I ran my first ever 5K with my family. His pregnancy was a HUGE surprise to me and I wasn't even sure we were ready to have another baby, but I'm so incredibly thankful God gave him to us.

Thanksgiving in 2013 my parents came up because Eric and I decided to host Thanksgiving for a few friends who weren't going home (Military families). We had a cake made to find out what he was going to be. This was going to be our last child so we wanted to do something special. We timed it just right that we could call my brothers family in Hawaii & my grandparents house where all my other family was at the same time to cut into our cake and see if we would be welcome another little girl Izabella Nicole or if we were in for a whole new world with a Gavin Matthew. I was #teampink, Eric was #teamblue..I was so surprised when we cut into that cake!!

I was due with Gavin Matthew on April 14th, however due to a C-section with Kaitlynn and wanting my parents and favorite cousin here with me to welcome Gav into the world we would schedule my csection for April 7th at 11am. Eric was a recruiter who would go out of town a lot and my parents live over 8 hours away so I wanted to make sure it wasn't KT and I in this alone! 2 days before I was set to go in for my csection my parents arrived with my cousin Megan to spend time getting all the finishing touches for Gavin and just spending time together and spoiling out Kaity for the last few days as our only babes!

My last pregnant picture EVER, 39 weeks pregnant I gave birth the very next day!

The day arrived for me to have Gavin and it was nothing like when I had Kaity. I woke up at like 8am, got ready to go, got our bags in the car, gave Kaity a million hugs and kisses and left her with my parents. I got into the car and bawled like a baby. I couldn't believe in just a few short hours we would officially be a family of 4 and our lives would forever be complete. When we got there they got us into our room, hooked me up, signed a crap ton of papers, drew blood, all those awesome things they do! My parents, Megan and Kaity arrived a hour or so later to see us one last time before going back. We meet with my doctor and the anesthesiologist who both agreed my mom could go back with us for the birth. At 11 am they took me back by myself to get my prepped and then they would bring Eric and my mom in a little later. I was so nervous but it was so calm. Unlike Kaitlynn's birth were we thought I was going to have to be put to sleep it was so normal. They gave me the epi and I went super numb super quick so quick I got extremely sick to my stomach and thought I was going to vomit. Thankfully the awesome anesthesiologist hooked a girl up with some medicine! I believe it was like 11:21 AM they started my csection and a mere 7 minutes later I heard the most amazing noise ever. Our baby boy was out into the world and screaming his lungs off.

He was 7 pounds 14 ounces, 20.5 inches long born at exacty 11:28AM and had the most amazing baby hair EVER!! I was determined to breastfeed him until at least 1 and I'm happy to say we made it to 17 1/2 months before I was so incredibly over it! I think that's why Gav and I have the strong bond we do. The kid wont go to sleep unless he can have his arm down your shirt! We are almost 2 and still drink from a bottle and really momma don't even care! Unlike with Kaitlynn when he's ready I'm ready. Gavin is the most chill kid ever, he listens so well (1,2,3 do wonders for him), he cleans up when you tell him to pickup his toys. He does have part of his mommas sassiness but such is life when I'm his momma! He has the most amazing blue eyes ever, he's a GIANT flirt ball, he refers to himself as bubba in pictures. Everyone is dada to him (yes including me!) He eats nothing but hotdog, chips, popcorn and drinks anything he can get his hands on but drink of choice is milk! He so perfect, I know all moms are bias but seriously god did good with this one! He has the right amount of sass to his daddys personality in him that makes him perfect. We were truly blessed when we brought Gman into this world!

So Gman your now 2, you already give me a heart attack on the daily because you climb on everything! I know it's not going to slow down with you anytime soon and I'm 110% completely okay with that!! We love you so so so so so so so so so much bubba. Your the last piece to our puzzle and you fit perfectly!!

Happy 2nd Birthday fat fat, don't get to big to fast, you might scare sissy!!

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