Weight Loss Journey

Monday, June 13, 2016

Weigh-In Sunday, Week 24

Well here we are again another weigh-in.... This past week has been a complete struggle. I struggled to get back on track 100% and I knew it wouldn't happen in a week, but I was hopeful it would. When I was home in Kansas I over drank, I over ate, I ate s'mores almost every single night for Christ sake... It was a rough week to say the least. I felt like I was starving most the week. Even today I still feel like I'm starving my ass off. So here are the results of this weeks weigh-in.

In case you didn't read week 23's weigh-in I didn't lose or gain weight. I'm very thankful and kinda let down. But I didn't gain so that's a huge plus. It was a week full of struggles. I think I'm finally off the struggle bus, at least I hope so. I'm having a lot of trouble getting my water intake back up to 160+ ounces a day. So I feel like that might be why I didn't lose this past week.

This past week we had lots of fun with my kids, all the water splash pads and spray grounds in Iowa have opened up so we hit them up more than once this week. We went Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday! I'm working on that tan y'all. I read somewhere if you can't tone it than tan it! So I've been working on my tan!! My dads Hawaiian roots are really coming out with this tan! Here are some pictures of this week/end of our adventures!

So yesterday after the splash pad we got home. Gman feel asleep in my car so I got him into his bed sound asleep and I changed and laid in my bed. Eric and Kaity were watching a movie and I was looking at homes for rent in Wichita,KS. As soon as Gavin came into my room from his nap. Eric went and laid down in our bed, but the kids were back there with him playing and having fun. I could hear their giggles and jumping on the bed. I assumed they were playing with daddy and just having fun. A few minutes later it was so silent I was scared, after a few more minutes of silence I was freaking the heck out. No noise, no Eric, no nothing. So I went back to our bedroom, Eric was sound asleep and Kaity walked in from the bathroom and went directly under our bed and said "don't spank my ass mommy" I was like, what the hell was that about? I needed to go pee, so I walked to the bathroom and there it was her evidence....Her luscious blonde beautiful locks laid on my bathroom floor. Oh wait, they weren't just hers they were her DAMN BROTHERS TO.... We got her out from under the bed, looked at her hair and she wacked a whole chunk off from her pony tail. I still at this point had no clue she cut bubbas hair off. Until she's laying in the bed, knows she isn't in trouble and says I cut bubbas too, I did it, it was me mommy. I was like holy fucking shit Gavin Matthew Hammes gets your little ass over here now. Sure enough she wacked his hair in the back off too. Aunt Coco says he's balding at the age 2! She's going for a hair cut tomorrow or Wednesday, I haven't decided yet. My mom said when I was a kid I did the same thing. I'm not even mad at her I couldn't be, she was so damn proud of herself I just couldn't believe she did something like that. Where she found the scissor as in a box we hadn't unpacked because our bathroom doesn't have room. So she found then in a completely packed box in our closet...

Hope your Sunday was better than mine!!!!!

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