Weight Loss Journey

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Weigh-In, weeek 23!!

Goodness didn't May fly by or what? I went home to Kansas on May 5th and just finally returned for a longer than 4 days on June 3rd. I had so much fun and loved every minute of being home. I didn't count a single point and mainly because I had shitty service and couldn't even check points. I tried to stick to the plan, but honestly I was at home enjoying my family and didn't want to miss out. So I enjoyed myself ALOT! I was expecting a way bigger gain mainly because at one point I weighed myself at my moms and I was up to 247.9. I was up a little over 7 pounds. I in all honesty didn't even care. I was drinking, eating s'mores nightly and just enjoying being around my family! So Friday the 3rd before I left to head back here I weighed myself just to see where I was.

This was the results of that weigh-in....

I was only really up 3.7 pounds and lets be honest that was probably mainly water weight because I barely drank any water at all. Opps!!! So this morning Hello, Sunday! Is my normal weigh-in day so I stepped on the scale this AM after only 1 day of being 100% back on track!!

Here were the results and my real weigh gain for the past month I've been MIA for.....

So I'm up 2.4 pounds since May 1st, but down 1.3 since Friday. If I'm really only up 2.4 pounds since May 1st I'm 110% okay with that gain!!! I had so much fun and enjoyed every minute of being home! I've never laughed so hard in my whole life!!

There will be a whole blog post about my month home in the next week or so, but for now enjoy these pictures!!!
Boo Bear & I at my dads surprise 50th

My grandma and I

My grandpa and I

Uncle Eric pushing our kids, our neice, and nephew

Eric, my brother Matt and myself

Camp Fire, where I spent every night for a good week eating 2 reeses s'mores!!

Making the camp sidewalk BEAUTIFUL

Aunt Holly and all the kiddos!!

The 3 of us tried to go fishing when our mom got there to watch the kids!!
Sister in law Holly, Matt and I

My baes and I!

Stopped for lunch on our way home Friday!!

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