Weight Loss Journey

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Weigh-in Sunday, Week 26!

Well you've probably already noticed, I've been 110% completely sucking on writing my blogs...I've also 110% completely been sucking at Weight Watchers. I've weighed in every week on Sunday and starting today I've thrown all my excuses out the window. I may not be posting on IG as much because I'm super duper busy getting ready for a craft fair I'm doing in July. But none the less I'm here and not giving up. I need to hit 199 by Jan 1st. I don't have anymore excuses I am enough and I will treat myself like I'm enough!! So here last week I weighed in at 245.0 and the week before I was at 244.8. Today I weighed in 2.1 pounds less at......

So this week I've been extremely busy! Making skirts, dresses, bibs and burp cloths for a craft fair in Salina Kansas. I've also had a super sick little guy who got strep from god knows where. Now my Kaitybugs has a fever, poor little girl doesn't want anything to do with medicine so we've been pulling the ol' drink some juice mixed with medicine trick. Pretty sure she has gotten what her brother has because tonight she was complaining of a sore throat so that's freaking awesome! I'll post a detailed post by Tuesday about my craft fair with tons of awesome pictures!!

Here is to getting my ass back on track!! Have a good week, y'all!!!  

Monday, June 13, 2016

Weigh-In Sunday, Week 24

Well here we are again another weigh-in.... This past week has been a complete struggle. I struggled to get back on track 100% and I knew it wouldn't happen in a week, but I was hopeful it would. When I was home in Kansas I over drank, I over ate, I ate s'mores almost every single night for Christ sake... It was a rough week to say the least. I felt like I was starving most the week. Even today I still feel like I'm starving my ass off. So here are the results of this weeks weigh-in.

In case you didn't read week 23's weigh-in I didn't lose or gain weight. I'm very thankful and kinda let down. But I didn't gain so that's a huge plus. It was a week full of struggles. I think I'm finally off the struggle bus, at least I hope so. I'm having a lot of trouble getting my water intake back up to 160+ ounces a day. So I feel like that might be why I didn't lose this past week.

This past week we had lots of fun with my kids, all the water splash pads and spray grounds in Iowa have opened up so we hit them up more than once this week. We went Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday! I'm working on that tan y'all. I read somewhere if you can't tone it than tan it! So I've been working on my tan!! My dads Hawaiian roots are really coming out with this tan! Here are some pictures of this week/end of our adventures!

So yesterday after the splash pad we got home. Gman feel asleep in my car so I got him into his bed sound asleep and I changed and laid in my bed. Eric and Kaity were watching a movie and I was looking at homes for rent in Wichita,KS. As soon as Gavin came into my room from his nap. Eric went and laid down in our bed, but the kids were back there with him playing and having fun. I could hear their giggles and jumping on the bed. I assumed they were playing with daddy and just having fun. A few minutes later it was so silent I was scared, after a few more minutes of silence I was freaking the heck out. No noise, no Eric, no nothing. So I went back to our bedroom, Eric was sound asleep and Kaity walked in from the bathroom and went directly under our bed and said "don't spank my ass mommy" I was like, what the hell was that about? I needed to go pee, so I walked to the bathroom and there it was her evidence....Her luscious blonde beautiful locks laid on my bathroom floor. Oh wait, they weren't just hers they were her DAMN BROTHERS TO.... We got her out from under the bed, looked at her hair and she wacked a whole chunk off from her pony tail. I still at this point had no clue she cut bubbas hair off. Until she's laying in the bed, knows she isn't in trouble and says I cut bubbas too, I did it, it was me mommy. I was like holy fucking shit Gavin Matthew Hammes gets your little ass over here now. Sure enough she wacked his hair in the back off too. Aunt Coco says he's balding at the age 2! She's going for a hair cut tomorrow or Wednesday, I haven't decided yet. My mom said when I was a kid I did the same thing. I'm not even mad at her I couldn't be, she was so damn proud of herself I just couldn't believe she did something like that. Where she found the scissor as in a box we hadn't unpacked because our bathroom doesn't have room. So she found then in a completely packed box in our closet...

Hope your Sunday was better than mine!!!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Weigh-In, weeek 23!!

Goodness didn't May fly by or what? I went home to Kansas on May 5th and just finally returned for a longer than 4 days on June 3rd. I had so much fun and loved every minute of being home. I didn't count a single point and mainly because I had shitty service and couldn't even check points. I tried to stick to the plan, but honestly I was at home enjoying my family and didn't want to miss out. So I enjoyed myself ALOT! I was expecting a way bigger gain mainly because at one point I weighed myself at my moms and I was up to 247.9. I was up a little over 7 pounds. I in all honesty didn't even care. I was drinking, eating s'mores nightly and just enjoying being around my family! So Friday the 3rd before I left to head back here I weighed myself just to see where I was.

This was the results of that weigh-in....

I was only really up 3.7 pounds and lets be honest that was probably mainly water weight because I barely drank any water at all. Opps!!! So this morning Hello, Sunday! Is my normal weigh-in day so I stepped on the scale this AM after only 1 day of being 100% back on track!!

Here were the results and my real weigh gain for the past month I've been MIA for.....

So I'm up 2.4 pounds since May 1st, but down 1.3 since Friday. If I'm really only up 2.4 pounds since May 1st I'm 110% okay with that gain!!! I had so much fun and enjoyed every minute of being home! I've never laughed so hard in my whole life!!

There will be a whole blog post about my month home in the next week or so, but for now enjoy these pictures!!!
Boo Bear & I at my dads surprise 50th

My grandma and I

My grandpa and I

Uncle Eric pushing our kids, our neice, and nephew

Eric, my brother Matt and myself

Camp Fire, where I spent every night for a good week eating 2 reeses s'mores!!

Making the camp sidewalk BEAUTIFUL

Aunt Holly and all the kiddos!!

The 3 of us tried to go fishing when our mom got there to watch the kids!!
Sister in law Holly, Matt and I

My baes and I!

Stopped for lunch on our way home Friday!!

Saturday, June 4, 2016


So I crochet like a grandma. No for real, I really can crochet and I feel like only grandmas do that. I learned when I was like 8-10ish? (Grandma, I have no idea when you taught me!) I know I was super small and not a teen or anything like that. She taught me how to make pot holder and I put them in the fair that year! Then I never did it again until I was pregnant with Gman and made his hats that were in his newbie pictures! Well now apparently crocheting is a "thing" and turns out an assload of people do it! Who the FUCK knew!! So over the winter I crochet and own an etsy store (Not linking it here, because its on VACAY mode) This past Christmas I made roughly 150-175 FUCKING mermaid tail blankets. Lets just say by March 1st, my fucking hands HATEDDD my ass. I don't even care to look at another mermaid tail blanket for as long as I live. And unless you're my uber cute ass niece Ava, NO, no I will not make your child one! It is on facebook and your more than welcome to check it out if you'd like! It's called K&G Crochet after my two baes!

Here are a few pictures of some stuff I've made!

So lets rewind a bit to like last fall. I'd been throwing around the idea of really wanting to get a sewing machine and seeing if I could at the very least sew some pillow case dresses for my KT and niece Ava. Save both her mom and me some money because they both are crazy dress girls! So Eric and the kids bought me one. Then for Christmas to feed the addiction my awesome aunt Nic got me a ton of stuff for the sewing machine and patterns and all sorts of stuff to help me learn! Well I still had an assload of crocheting orders to do and had ZERO time to get any self teaching sewing in. I know a few people who sew.  My grandma makes us kids quilts (she does a bad ass job!) My aunt Nic knows how to sew and so does my cousin's aunt Janelle. Well I know I'm super crafty in the crocheting world so I figured why not give it a go. Well 1st time I wasn't sure I would ever use that fucking machine again in my life!

Safe to say I use it on the daily now! My shelves that were once completely full of yarn are now PACKED full of fabric. (I have an issue!) So I tried to follow a pattern, got pissed, confused and annoyed and GAVE THE FUCK UP! That 1 experience and I almost never touched it again because I was like holy shit this is so fucking hard! Then one day I was like let me just see if I don't follow a pattern and look a picture and make some shit up if I can come up with something useful. Guess FUCKING what??? That shit worked! From then on momma was HOOKED! My friends keep asking if I'm going to open up an etys shop for this and as of right now I have zero plans to do that. It's a lot of pressure. Selling for K&G, I felt like if I fucked up one order I was letting down every single customer and that wasn't true. Some people you can't please. Win some, and yah lose some!

So I've been sewing for about monthish. Reason I've been kinda BLAHHHH on IG with weight loss stuff! I'm still here y'all, make sure to check out my most recent weigh in HERE!

Basically I'm a basic ass mom who makes her own kids clothes! Something I actually can say I enjoy way more than crocheting. Anyone who's about to ask me I got a Singer Talent, my grandma said if I bought anything other than a singer no way she could help me learn if I needed because all she's ever used in a singer. So Singer WON and Singer is kicking some serious ass dress/skirt/blanket game!!! I actually decided this past week if your in Wakeeney,KS go check out Vintage Soul Salon & Boutique and check out some 4th of July skirts starting TODAY!!! Plus if you go, tell Shelby she looks extra adorable today!!!

So here are a few snaps of some stuff I've made over the past month or so!!

I will also be attending both the Trego Co and Graham Co Fairs this year with my mom!! Make sure if your in the area you come by and say hi to me!! I've got lots to get done and I'm in the process of renamed my business and the name we have picked is....

K&G Stitch'N by Britanie

Monday, May 16, 2016

Struggling MotherFUCKING city....

Hello blogging friends!!! What a crazy past few weeks I've had... My brothers family arrived back into Kansas a few weeks ago and we made the trip to my moms to see them. They are spending a few weeks at my moms with their kids so I chose to come stay at my moms and visit for a few more weeks! It's been a longggggg 3 years since I saw my niece last and I had never met my adorable nephew yet! We were home for a weekend, went back to Iowa and the kids and I loaded up and when Eric left for Chicago we left to make the 8 hour trip 2 kids, 2 dogs and momma back to grandmas house!!! It's been amazing being around our family and soaking up all the time and still have about a month left here in Kansas before we will make the trip back to Iowa!!

So now that, that is out of our way lets discuss my weight and what I've been riding the STRUGLE fucking bus on....

First we left for Kansas on 5/5 and got here because we made a small pit stop on 5/6. Since 5/7 I've been HALF ASSING like there isn't  no damn tomorrow....boooooo!! The struggle is mother beeping reallllll! Being home and around my family and I want to eat the world and enjoy myself. I refuse to let myself not have fun but I also refuse to not stay on track. #mommasgotgoals I thought not weighing myself would hid all my issues but that isn't the right thing to do at ALL. It's just going to put my ass even farther behind when I arrive home on 6/14. So on Sunday I'm going to suck it the FUCK up and weigh myself. When I weigh myself it'll be a whole week back on track and 2 weeks of kinda on and off tracking and half assing. I'm here for a month enough time to get back on track and in a groove. Then when I go back its 8 hours to get home and I'll stay on track the whole way there. I don't have time for fuck ups! Since there is little traveling its much easier to stay on track. When I drove back and forth 3 times 8 hours it wasn't easy and it sucked! So my eating has been shit, I haven't really weighed myself and just overall I feel like crap! I haven't really drank much water or got my steps in. I need to get my arseeee in gear!!!

Just wanted to quickly up date y'all on what has been up in my life and where the heck I have been. I'm still here, hanging on tight and here! No excuses starting right now!!! I have goals and those goals need to get their asses kicked!!! So get ready to be UBER annoyed with my post and if you fail to see me posting kick my ass for me!!!

**fair warning, Eric isn't here in Palco with me to re-read these. Sorry (no not really) if I sound like an asshat!!!**

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Do you reward yourself? I sure as shit do!!

     So I of course believe in some motivation and what better motivation than buying something new for myself? I normally only buy new shit for my kids, because well I'm that mom who doesn't need anything. As long as my kids are taken care of, I don't need shit and that's just me, don't be hating. So every 5 pounds I try to get myself something even if its something small I do it. I don't believe in rewarding myself with food, I'm trying to change my lifestyle so just feeding myself with an ass ton of food doesn't help the path to get where I want to be! So I figured I'd share some of the stuff I have on my "reward myself list" and we are skipping ahead to what weight I have left to lose. Here we go....

  • 40 pounds- New thug life shirt (best shirts ever so soft go check them out!)
  • 45 pounds- New hair cut/color (hopeful this will happen while I'm in Kansas, my hair needs it!)
  • 50 pounds- New outfit (pants, shirt, cute clothes and not more gym clothes)
  • 55 pounds- Mani/Pedi (momma liveeessss for this!)
  • 60 pounds- Another new thug life shirt (I basically live for them!)
  • 65 pounds- Full body massage (I'll be over my half way mark, I'll deserve that shittt!)
  • 70 pounds- Family day out, Dinner/Movie/Jump up whatever just family day out!
  • 75 pounds- New tennis shoes ( I live for new tennis too!)
  • 80 pounds- Eric has to cook/clean up dinner! (normally ends up being bubble up pizza)
  • 85 pounds- New sports bra (my boobies are SHRINKING..)
  • 90 pounds- New workout clothes (by then I'll be so itty bitty!!)
  • 95 pounds- Mani/Pedi (Again who doesn't love a feet rub?)
  • 100 pounds- New hair cut/color (last time was 55 pounds ago, its okay!)
  • 105 pounds- Family day out (Same as above we love this!)
  • 110 pounds- Date NIGHT (KID FREEEEEEE)
  • 115 pounds- I honestly have no idea what I get here I'll probably shit myself!
  • GOAL WEIGHT-SHOPPING SPREE with my mom, aunt and Shelby to get me new normal cute size human clothes!
       I actually really have no idea what I want my GOAL weight to be but every chart at my doctors office says somewhere between 130-170ish. Ideally Eric says 170, I really just want to look sexy as FUCK butt ass naked! I know I'm going to have loose skin, I had 2 csection, with over 100 pounds to lose and I don't even care I rather have loose skin than die to a heart attack because I'm obese!

So that's my list, do you reward yourself??

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Weigh-In Sunday, Week 19.

Sunday is here again, and I'm exhausted!! This past week we left our home in Des Moines, IA to drive the 8 hour trip back to my parents home in Palco, KS. We stopped in North Platte,NE on Thursday to stay the night and made the small 3 hour trip from North Platte to Wakeeney, KS on Friday AM to my Aunt Nics house. We came home because for the first time in 3 years my whole family is together at my moms house. My parents picked up my brothers family in Texas on Saturday AM and drove back to our childhood home and my sister came in from Wichita so we are all spending the weekend with our parents and kids. My mom says its the best Mothers Day gift any of us could of got her!!

So here we are weigh-in Sunday and to be 110% honest I didn't even want to weigh myself because I ate dinner at 11PM last night. I'm never even up at 11pm let alone eating a meal with my family so yah. Plus I can tell I'm super bloated my hands feel so damn swollen and hurt. But, I weighed myself anyhow. I'm not 100% sure I'll weigh myself next Sunday because on Tuesday I leave to take Eric back to Iowa and spend a few days at our house before I drive back to Kansas next Sunday. So here is this weeks weigh-in.......

So I lost a total of .4 pounds and how the fuck that happened I have no idea, but I'll take it!

I hope all you momma bears out there have an awesome Mother's Day and enjoy being with your families!!!