Weigh-in Saturday was soooo incredibly nice to me!! I lost 2.9 pounds this past week, which brings my current total to 27.6 pounds lost in the past 11 weeks. I'm hoping this week I will see yet another loss to get to say good bye to the 250's forever...but...I may have fucked that up this weekend.. Read on to see why....
So Saturday started off amazing and I was feeling SUPER motivated. We headed to the gym, and then we were going to get our Gman a new boy potty, pickup my 25 pounds down reward and get lunch. My husband saw this buffet and I should of known better and stuck to my no, lets go to either Applebees or Outback where I can just get chicken breast but I agreed and said sure. We thought it was just like an Old Country buffet where it'd have lots of options. Yeah, that so wasn't the case and the second we walked in we should of turned right the FUCK around and walked back out for my sanity of the day.
It was a Chinese Buffet, need I say more? A crap load of fried shit and if you haven't read one of my previous post, I'm on 30 days no fried food or sweets. I felt every single shitty emotion you can imagine. I was mainly pissed at Eric (I'm a bitch when i'm hungry!). So I tried their salad bar and the lettuce had to have been frozen or something because it was so incredibly disgusting I wanted to die. So I ate nothing and was even more annoyed when we paid for the meal.
Soon after we left, I let every emotion fly on my husband. I had a serious mental breakdown. I was bawling, bitching, crying, everything. I fucking laid it to him. He had no idea what the hell just happened. He didn't even know what to say to me (I have depression and anxiety so i'm kind of a hard case, poor man!) I bitched that he didn't care, or understand how hard I had been working to lose this weight. How I can't eat the way the kids and him do because I'm trying so hard to get the weight off. Oh, it was not a good day. By the time we got to applebees to get my grilled chicken, I had simmered down a WHOLE lot. I said sorry and things were better but damn did that feel good to unleash everything I was feeling deep down.
If you need to know 1 thing about Eric, it is that he doesn't show emotion, like at all. I'm a very emotional person and show everything, he's so mello. You could piss him off and he doesn't show his emotion. He has been like that since I met him almost 8 years ago. I know he loves me and is proud of me more than probably I am even proud of myself, if that's possible. He just doesn't show his emotion or wear it on his sleeve like me. When they say opposites attract, it is quite true in our case. We are completely opposite.
Then this stud muffin needed his mop trimmed so we headed to get his hair cut. This lady was like bat shit crazy, by the way! She kept telling me that how I was telling her to cut his hair was going to make him bald. In complete honesty if he ended up bald, we were totally cool with it! His hair grows like the fricken grass outside and in a month he'll have yet another mop! He was such a big boy and did SO SO good and just chilled on dad's lap while she cut it the way I told her too! He's like a mini Eric now, be still my beating heart, be still!
So by Sunday, I was still on track minus the chips and dip I ate... Eric wanted to take K&G to see Zootopia and I was all about that shit. I even squeezed in a pretzel & starbucks into my points. Then shit went downhill. We ended up at the mall to get my 25 pounds down hat and somehow I ended up eating Noodles and Company. FUCKING SHOOT ME. By the time we left I was sooo pissed at myself. I stepped on the scale today and I'm up 3.5 pounds. I'm sure most of that is water weight because really who gains 3.5 pounds in 1 fucking day. None the less I'm pissed, and beat myself up up. So this morning, I went and sweated my ass off at the gym!! So we shall see if I lose for the 12th week (3 straight months of losing weight). The struggle was REAL as FUCK yesterday. I must say that I did fit noodles and company in my points but none the less, it was NOT a good idea for my body.
I hope Monday has been good to you guys! Don't ever ever skip a Monday or your whole week will be thrown off! Get into the gym, eat a good meal and just feel good!! See you guys on Wednesday!!!
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